So the CMP course has come to a close, and I had imagined myself feeling swollen with joy and excitement to be rid of the entire process. But this is simply not the case, and I am not entirely sure why. I feel a gentle sadness when I realise that the CMP process has ended and we shall play no further part in it for this year.
It's like having a stray dog staying with you for a while. At first you are not very enthusiastic in getting involved, but then time passes, and when it comes time for the stray dog to leave, you feel a minor anguish in letting go. This being the case, I feel optimistic in saying that we made a difference to the communities we were involved with. We set out, rather hesitantly, with the intentions of uncovering a few problems facing our communities. We did not know it at the time, but we would uncover a host of issues and pains that our fellow Grahamstownians live with on a daily basis. Of course we had to be realistic in our hopes of making a difference. We could not do very much about the lack of RDP housing, or the power cuts they face every few hours. However, we did focus our energies and hopes on making a change that was possible. We set out to try and shed some light on the lack of activities available to the youth within the community, and we accomplished this through a highly successful soccer tournament on an overcast but warm Saturday.We gave the community some attention; attention they had been starved of for a very long time.
In my opinion, Group For78, we did our job. We did it well.
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